Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to cook in a foreign country when you never did in America!

Well I may be kicking myself for this one, but when you go to a college with the number one meal plan in America, you don't try and compete with your culinary skills. Until this point in my life I have always had a meal plan (also known as a mother) to make sure I am eating right. So, this morning I attempted to experiment. The plan was to cook oatmeal (because instant does not exist here) and broccoli (because I am poor and love veggies.) Of course I decided to do this on the day that Google and Wikipedia are blacking out their websites, so I can honestly say this was all a shot in the dark. See what I just did there?

Now down to business.. I chopped up a broccoli tree, we don't have measuring cups here so I just eyed a water level that was about 1/3 of the amount of broccoli. I covered that baby and let her steeaaam. I need all the nutrients I can get when my main diet on weekends are doner kabobs.

Side note: I would really appreciate if someone would send me liquid pepto bismol

I put the oatmeal in water that had it all soaked and put it on low heat. Next time I think I will add more water and let it cook longer. Also, I will add WAY more sugar and cinnamon or attempt to cook some sort of bread so I never have to look at non-instant oatmeal again.

The poor, tasteless, flavorless investment I made.

Some butter, cinnamon,  and sugar I stole from a coffee shop in Interlaken.
The pot.
Woo domesticity!
It's all about the presentation baby

I added butter to my broccoli but I could not find pepper. I could care less though this little puppy is my pride and joy. Look at them greens ;)

I am a little behind on my blog, but here is a teaser of what is to come: A trip to Gandria we took for the day last week & multi- posts on my weekend trip to Interlaken! Stay tuned kiddies and eat your greens!


  1. Hahaha I love the name of your post! I'm still trying to find my way around the kitchen but my boyfriend taught me the most reliable meal is rice and broccoli. Having said that, you might need wiki for rice. I had him standing over my shoulder telling me how do to it.
    Your food does look great though!

  2. thanks girly! I cannot wait for your visit this summer my mom told me last night :)
