Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Things I have learned: Day 5

** A lot of this information is from my FIRST day in Italian class from our adorable teacher Madga. She was a wealth of knowledge that I fully intend on using to seem impressive on my knowledge of the country.

  1. Mount Rosa is the tallest mountain in Switzerland
  2. My name sounds AWESOME in an Italian accent
  3. So far the ugliest name I have hear in Italian is Caitlyn. I dare you to say it in an accent.
  4. Ticina is the only town/state (not sure what the right translation is) south of the Alps
  5.  Lake Como aka George Clooney is 45 minutes from Lugano
  6. We have the Matterhorn here (it looks cool and terrifying)
  7. The Bernina Express is an amazingly slow train that is solely meant for people to view the gorgeous scenery across Switzerland.
  8. They also have a Glacier Express from Brig all the way to Zermatt. See what I did there I acted like I know where those places are
  9. St. Mortez is an awesome ski area with over 200 miles of slopes... if I need a large mountain to jump off of I now have a reference
  10. Italian/Swiss students to not find it rude to stare right at you for 5 minutes straight this includes: when you say "Ciao", wave, or hide your face in terror.
This is where I go to class everyday! (I know you love the columns mom)

This is where I THOUGHT we went to class everyday... UPGRADE!

1 comment:

  1. Meg and I were reading this and when we saw the picture of your school, we both said "Whoaaaa" in unison. Study abroad WIN.
