Sunday, January 8, 2012

Things I have learned so far: Lugano Day 3 Edition

  1. You have to have your own shopping bags when you go grocery shopping
  2. Cooking wine is very cheap and tastes like Barefoot american wine
  3. Young Italian men crush any hope I had that men might be able to understand women- "You buy me a drink and we f*ck?"
  4. I do not like 10 mile hikes
  5. They do not refrigerate milk in Switzerland (BELIEVE IT!) Therefore I have yet to buy any.
  6. I want to eat as much fresh prosciutto as possible
  7. Everything is expensive in Switzerland, but we are paying for the view
  8. When they tell you the walking you do is like a workout so you rarely have to... believe it. I now have buns of steel from the hills and exploring.
  9. The Swiss Alps are no joke. Sorry Blue Ridge Mountains
  10. They do not split up checks for groups in Lugano. You either pay individually at the cash register or collect cash at your table (this was not fun with 30+ people mixed with a $250 alcohol bill)

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