Thursday, January 19, 2012

Things I learned abroad: never again.

I was planning on catching up on my blog before I left this weekend for Munich and Dachau, Germany until some very unfortunate events occurred. All yesterday I thought I had the worst indigestion I only ate rice cakes for lunch, half of my oatmeal for breakfast, and I could only manage to eat potatoes for dinner. With my tums by my side things were feeling pretty bad. I was convinced I had the stomach flu or possibly food poisoning. Then a conversation at dinner about acid in foods hit me. The previous day I accidentally broke the top off of my orange juice carton. I was afraid that it would spill if someone opened the fridge so I decided to take it to class and drink it. Four hours and one LITER of orange juice later I actively gave myself acid reflex disease. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. SO forgive me my friends, I am finally regaining my appetite but my stomach lining is still in recovery.

As much as love orange juice it will be a long time before we reunite. Possibly never again.


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