Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Call it one drink too many, call it pride of a man, but it don't make no difference if you sit or you stand

Lord have mercy on my rough and rowdy ways

It was my 21st birthday yesterday. Strange feelings about that one, but not about this song. Therefore we are focusing on the song.

Yeah they both end in trouble and start with a grin...
We do it over and over and over again

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Never confuse fashion and style. Fashion relies on unattainable looks on women with unrealistic bodies. Style is about utilizing the best aspects of you.
- Stacy London

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

100% into fifty/fifty

For the past 3 days I have been miserably sick with the worst cold I have ever had in my entire life... so what better time to sulk and watch a movie about a cancer patient with a 50% chance at survival?? I have always been a wee bit dramatic when I don't feel well...

The movie was AMAZING! which means I cried for the entire last 15 minutes and my roommate came home to a swollen eyed creature snotting it up in bed. Here are my favorite quotes:

Kyle: You could have totally fucked the shit out of that girl.
Adam: No one wants to fuck me. I look like Voldemort.

 Kyle: You smell like you fucked the cast of The View. 

I don't want to ruin the ending, but there is a one liner that made me truly "LOL" through my tears and was pure genius.

Bryce Dallas Howard was gorgeous and bitchy as usual (see The Help!) And Seth Rogan was true to his sidekick, hilarious, dickhead character style, but was a bit more toned down which I really enjoyed considering the subject matter.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

Coyote Ugly

I am sitting in Squires Student Center at Virginia Tech having a truly euphoric moment:
  • In exactly one month I will board my first international flight to Switzerland.
  • I have been dreaming of this exact trip, program, experience since I was a 16.
  • I officially accepted the summer internship of my dreams today.
  • Last spring after I visited the company I knew it was where I belonged.
  • I have the best friends, family, and support system I could ever ask for.
  • This year I really feel like I have grown to have confidence in my abilities...e ven if those abilities are keeping my head up when I have no idea what is going on.
  • This has been the most challenging year of my life, but I feel like I am about to embark on something far greater than anything I know.

"So tell me what do you do when you realize all your dreams have come true? "

I think I have an answer for this question Coyote Ugly songwriting bar stripper: Do what scares you. If you are worried something may not be for you, it's too hard, or you are just afraid to fail... do it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Will Versace for H&M be the hottest collaboration yet?

Will Versace for H&M be the hottest collaboration yet?

I am going to call their bluff on this one. Maybe if it were not WINTER, but apparently Donatella knows nothing of such season.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

One tree wisdom

"You know I've got this theory, there are two kinds of people in the world. There are lyric people and music people. You know, the lyrics people tend to be analytical. You know, all about the meaning of the song. They're the ones you see with the CD insert out like 5 minutes after buying it, pouring over the lyrics, interpreting the hell out of everything. Um, then there’s the music people, like Brooke. Who could care less for the lyrics as long as its just got like a good beat and you could dance to it. I don’t know, sometimes it might be easier to be a music girl and not a lyric girl. But since I’m not, let me just say this. Sometimes things find you when you need them to find you, I believe that. And for me its usually song lyrics."

Amen sister- I have 2 tests, one HUGE interview, and lots of blogging to catch up on, but this makes me feel a little better that is an more dramatic, emotional person out there than me at this very moment who wrote this scene, in this tv show, made for me.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Swinging in the backyard, pull up in your fast car, whistling my name

I love this song. It is haunting, but the lyrics are so gorgeous and sweet. I may be a bias member of the big lip club (team Angie,) but Lana Del Rey is a breath of fresh air to my music collection.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hometown Glory

Besides next week being homecoming and having to make up two tests New York after math has been so exciting! I went to a panel discussion of Women in Business  which were made up of primarily Hokie alumni. This article below is about a woman on the panel who has an AMAZING career and she announced she was getting back into the business world after a 4 year hiatus dedicated to her philanthropy which helps children with club feet. Less than a week has gone by and now she has been named the CEO of Victoria's Secret Direct. It is an incredible feeling to have met and mingled with her. Bridget Ryan-Berman is from my hometown and was such an inspiration to be around. I am feeling a lot of Hokie pride knowing one of my favorite brands is in her hands.

Here is the article from my local paper!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I have been extremely busy, stressed, and on the verge of a breakdown preparing for a trip to New York City advertising agencies with a group from my school. FINALLY, I get to share all of my hard work as an excuse for not blogging ;)

The offices were AMAZING, how inspiring would it be to see this everyday?

Rooftop view/ outdoor track... this makes me want to run outside (hell has officially froze over.)

Out on the town looking a little rough with my friend Josh

New York Minute.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.

So, I was dying to get bangs. It became an obsession of mine last week. I pulled from a couple of sources of inspiration and overall I am very happy with the results. I feel like I have an actual style now and look a little bit more mature.

LOVE her... and recently her hair too.

Fellow blogger Keiko Lynn has amazing hair and hair tutorials.

This is one of my favorite bloggers of the rockstar diaries. She is so adorable... I can't quite pull off the straight front bang (yet.)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bad case of the Mondays (Laundry Addition)

So, in a nutshell I have been studying for 2 tests all day that I have tomorrow.... but here is some comic relief that I am now able to laugh about when I took a break to do some laundry. Above is my desperate email to my mom. I'll let you know how it goes....

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Johnny Cash Project

Eight years ago we lost "The Man in Black."Johnny Cash in my opinion, was the coolest artist ever. He was more than a song-writing genius, he owned his brand. Cash only wore black on stage, he performed in prisons, and overcame dark days of addiction, all of which contributed to his nickname, "The Man in Black." Even though he was a devout Christian man who was married for 35 years, he had an edge about him that was missing from the Country world. His last single was called "Ain't No Grave" has an iconic line for his fans in light of his passing,"There ain’t no grave can hold my body down." To honor Cash, Google Chrome came out with The Johnny Cash Project. It allows fans of "The Man in Black" all around the world to design a frame of his last music video. It is such a beautiful way to connect fans virtually to have a personal part in Cash's last work of art. I love this idea, and I hope more artists join in virtual tributes for their fans.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Stephanie: "Auntie, what have you learned in your 95 years of living that you could share with us?"
Linda: "Nothing...mind your own business."
This past weekend my family celebrated my Grandmother's birthday. I couldn't attend because I had to get back from my weekend trip to study but, my mom snapped this adorable shot of my great Aunt Linda. Linda lived in the Bronx, NY until she was 94 (she is now 95) and has feisty Italian blood through and through. Not a week goes by that I am not sent a hilarious/mildly abusive comment from my mom. Happy Thursday day everyone!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Two days ago DADT was repealed and GBLT men and women will be allowed to openly serve in the military. I knew when this happened I had to blog about it, but I needed some time to collect my thoughts and think about what it means to me when I look back at this post. I remember when I was younger watching the Real World: New Orleans and there was a housemate who had a boyfriend in the military and how they blurred out his face when he came to visit the house. I had no idea what "don't ask, don't tell" was, but looking back, this man was protecting his job and life. I was raised in an open family, my mom never allowed us to say "gay" in a negative way and when I was in middle school my mom told me my uncle was gay. I knew what it meant to be gay and it didn't bother me in the slightest. The concept of someone liking men or women when they were of the same sex had no effect on me, I didn't feel hate, sad, or confused. I was taught it wasn't "special," they are people just like us. When my life long friend came out to me over a year ago I was more hurt she never felt comfortable enough to tell me. I wasn't shocked, but I wasn't expecting it. Sexuality is not something I have felt the need to classify in someone. I am proud to say that the older I have become, the more outspoken I am about equality for the LGBT community. Growing up in school I did feel a very strong "right-wing" presence, but my best friends were the loudest in opposition. Being the President of the Young Democrats, a local Democrat politician's daughter, and President of the Gay Straight Alliance are not ways to hide your beliefs. Still, I remained silent and polite in the background even though I too was raised with the same beliefs. I can honestly say if there is one thing I could go back and change about my high school experience it would be to get more involved in the social issues so near to my heart. I wish I could have stood up to those ignorant bullies, participated in the day of silence, and educated myself earlier. Hindsight is 20/20 though, so I have to count my blessings. Change is coming. Gay marriage is legal in New York and the DADT era is over. I remember when I was in 5th grade and my mom voted for George Bush over John Kerry. I vividly remember asking her why she voted for GWB when he did not believe in gay marriage and John Kerry did? My mom told me that even though we believed in that, she didn't think it was an issue that was going to be solved anytime soon. As a little girl, it never dawned on me that even if you vote for something- that doesn't mean it will change. I hope that in this coming election and everyone to come that gay marriage and gay rights ARE important and relevant. I am ready for this issue to be one of the past, and Michelle Bachman for that matter. :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekend Lovies: "I have my possessions, but I may have lost my mind."

I packed my bags and left my troubles behind me this weekend. Literally, I managed to lose my house key and Hokie password on Thursday in two separate places. There is only one word to describe behavior like this and that is "shambles. "Charlottesville, Va was a blast and (shocker) I only managed to return with pictures of dogs. Note to self: stop taking so many pictures of fluffy creatures. Not to worry though, when I returned someone had found my Hokie passport in the street in front of my house. Also, I apparently thought I lost my house key only to find out that when I was leaving to go out I mistook a quarter for my house key and the real key was originally where a left it. I have my possessions, but I may have lost my mind. The jury is still out on me, but enjoy the pictures!

Breathtaking drive home... I love the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Proud Auntie of Baby Shadow! She is such an angel.

She is so smart and I hope her left ear stays like that forever!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Last of the Watermelons

 Happy Hump Day everyone!

Last night I had quite the adventure carving a huge watermelon that I can in no shape or form consume before I go away for the weekend, but I still had fun taking pictures! If this was/is the longest week ever for you like it is for me I suggest listening to the latest and greatest from the beloved Florence + The Machine!

Florence and the Machine- Shake it Out

This is the big lady in all her glory. I asked my parents for a watermelon (imagining a small one or quarter cut) and wound up with Bertha featured above.

This is when my panic set it. Sh!t this is a lot of watermelon.
Cute little baby corners (the messiest to eat.)

Om nom nom


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Is there warrent in the Whopper?

As a college student, I feel that I am in a dysfunctional love/hate relationship with fast food. I love greasy foods late at night, and hate when I wake up in the morning and see the damage I have done. Everyone knows that the fast food commercials and the actual product differ significantly. Even though a nice fluffy bun is displayed on television with a healthy looking patty, I expect a single burger that is at most an inch and a half tall and squashed. I recently came across this website Fast Food: Ads vs. Reality and was fascinated by pictures of the real product versus print or television advertising. This could be huge for the fast food industry. The Internet has the power to turn a local problem into an international brand crisis (the Dominoes pizza incident). Could websites such as this cause a radical change in the appearance and quality of fast foods? Are consumer's expectations so low that the companies can ignore these pesky bloggers and laugh while cashing in on billions? What if there was a powerhouse website that commanded its readers to post any food they receive whether it be from Burger King or Chili's and compare it to the print or commercial advertising? This could be a new standard for chain restaurants to practice what they preach. Yes, the Federal Trade Commission (FDA) and Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) are somewhat regulating these corporations, but what about a social call out? This isn't about documenting fast food gore like finding a finger in your chili, Wendy's. It is about seeing if we can get warrant in the Whopper.

Would you eat the one on the right if it was in a commercial?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday Sick Day

Normally when I am sick I become the biggest grump in the world, but I do throw some of the best pity parties ever if I do say so myself. Instead of laying in bed all day, not doing much, and feeling gross I decided to get some fresh mountain air and try reading outside on our lawn chairs. I wound up staying outside for 6 hours and turned slightly pink on one side of my body, but I read all of the boring chapters that would force me to nap in my bed! I would never have gone outside if my roommate Victoria didn't convince me, so this post is dedicated to her and her amazing Aussie Jack! Honestly, I think it made me feel better than my mom (but we can't tell her that.) Here are some highlights of my amazing day.
Jack looovess his ball.
He is a handsome devil.
My set up for the day.
Victoria's new iphone charging in a make-shift bush stand.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Top 3 Lovies of the Weekend

These are my friends at Tots on Thursday. They are 100% great people through and through I love them.

Virginia Tech's drill field looked so amazing the other day. I tried to capture it, but nothing can do it justice.

I get to see this cute face next weekend and I was happy all weekend thinking about it.

Also, my parents visited me this weekend and bought lots of Hokie swag! Even though I woke up sick this morning with a sore throat I feel so much better knowing I got to complain and get a big hug from my mommy. Moms make everything better.

This is my official sick in bed song for today. I am missing my best friends, mom, and guy real bad. Kate Nash is giving me some great female angst. If you have never heard of her I strongly encourage you to give her a shot. Everything is better in a British accent anyways right?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thursday: Rainbows, Sperrys , and Tots oh my (head)

I have serious love/hate relationship with Thursdays, but we are not going to analyze my weekend antics here because there is a bigger issue sweeping campus. There is a YouTube video out in the cyber universe of a Freshman at my school bitching about how he didn't break in his shoes and disgracing out admissions department for ever letting him enter into higher education. This video is called "Rainbows and Sperrys Suck." Clever, I know the kid is a real gem. I am going to link the video here and then answer some questions about this kid, and how fate led me to run into him on campus.

These are my personal issues with the video: First, why would shoes EVER have a warning label on them that you need to break them in. You don't have to wear them all day if they are hurting your feet, take them off. Maybe if the shoe claimed that they are so comfortable that they come broken in you would have a case, but I am pretty sure they do not. Second of all, did you never exercise or get a blister in your life? It happens when you wear new shoes, and as a girl I can honestly say I feel no pity for you. Try and wear high heels all day, and then talk to me about pain. Third, his demands are stupid, and if he still has any friends after this video I am sure they would not be caught dead next to him wearing those shoes. Fourth, if you are "trying to be a frat star" you have instantly scored yourself a ticket to NEVER being allowed in any fraternity, ever.

Now here is the story of how destiny brought us together:
I was at a cookout yesterday for my business fraternity on a grassy lawn outside of a dining hall and one of my friends says," Hey that's rainbows and sperrys suck kid!" This causes myself and three other girls to run over to him. I don't know why I did it in hindsight, but at least I can honestly say this kid is a tool. As a student at Virginia Tech the majority of my guy friends want to tackle this kid (or worse) and my girl friends want to forget he exists or ask him what the hell was he thinking (I was in the latter group, but now I am not.) Some basic questions were asked and this is the very disappointing truth.

Q: Are you actually serious about that video?
A: The video was a joke, but the injuries in it are real (the proceeded to show us a nasty blister that covered the bottom of his foot)
My Comments: Wow that's the worst joke video ever, you just look like an idiot

Q: Would you like a to join our business fraternity?
A: I dunno maybe... I'm trying to join Beta or some other frat... but I'd like to if you ladies are in it
MC: This is too disturbing for words

Q: Do you want a piece of pizza?

A: No, I'm trying to loose weight I've gained like 10 lbs since I've been here the food is so good.

MC: How could you gain ten pounds eating RAMEN in your dorm room? And he did eat our pizza anyways

Q: Are you going to be on Tosh.0
A: That's the goal! And I am going to be on ABC tomorrow night! Tech doesn't want me to do an interview, but I say why not it's already out. Virginia tech is really mad at me.

MC: He is just trying to get attention and if he was a real Hokie with a love for this school he would be doing that in a more positive way for our school.

Virginia Tech has to battle stereotypes and negative images every day. It's bad enough that we have no control over the past, but we as students have the chance to make people think of our great engineering program or Hokie spirit when they hear the words "Virginia Tech" and not just tragedies.  I don't want to add on to our negative image with that stupid rainbows and sperrys kid, we are smarter then that and we do not represent that. If you truly love Virginia Tech you would never involve your school in a joke that represents the student body as anything less than great.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

“I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it."

Recently, I have been getting the online shopping itch, which is never just that easy itch you can scratch.  It's the type of itch that you try avoiding: patting, slapping, even icing for hours (usually spent all day in bed browsing online.) These are my latest budget conscious  (sorta) wishes that will make me look très chic when I venture to Europe next semester.

From left to right: JPK Paris Nylon Bucket Bag in Hudson Blue $165, Cole Haan in Amazon $129.90, Rebecca Minkoff in Almond $259.90, MARC by Marc Jacobs in Bright Plum $265.90, See by Chole in Freckles $295.90, & MARC by Marc Jacobs in Dandelion $319.90
I went shopping in mostly the sales section on Nordstroms and these are the following things I would chop off the tip of my pinky for... and sadly no I am not kidding.

I ADORE the JPK Paris purses. I thought I wanted a Longchamp nylon purse like every other college girl and high school wanna be college girl, and then I saw the gold JPK detailing in person. My love of Longchamps was like awkward middle school boyfriend... over in 3 days and I will deny by desire for one until the grave (except to my lovely bog readers.)

I LOVE a pop of color in a purse, especially a satchel matched against a dark winter coat or neutral blazer. That is why my heart yearns for Cole Haan and this satchel. I love imagining all of the hands free fun I could have frolicking with this around my body... I am a sick sick girl.

THE CLASSIC... ughhhh literally I cannot express my emotions of a classic structured doctor-esque purse but with funky textured leather. It is the perfect companion for the sleek, chic, outfit when you are having a power woman day and want to mean business.

PURPLE & YELLOW- Marc Jacobs has stolen my heart and there is no way I will ever get it back. I have already dedicated my non-existent signing bonus of my first job to his purses and wallets. Yes, it has become that sick. However, I will defend myself by saying if you touch the soft leather of his purses and lay eyes on stunning gold hardware then it is parallel to looking into the eyes of Medusa except you will turn to mush or turn over your credit card.

CHLOE & BOWS- I have a soft spot in my heart for bows and the structured ones featured on the side of this purse make it sophisticated and still give it that girly kiss on the cheek. I love how this is a common theme over their latest purses. (Embarrassing fact: I used to wear 2 or even 3 bows at a time layered in my hair in middle school, of course with my double collared shirts... BLEH!)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

BOBS: Rip offs for the greater good?

When I first saw the huge poster of the Sketchers version of "TOMS"shoes, it was so shocking to me how low Sketchers is willing to go to rip of other brands. My first memory of Sketchers ripping off another brand was when my mom came home from the store with my new shoes for the first day of sixth grade. They were shiny, white shoes with a sparkling, blue sideways "S" on the side. Little did I know when I entered the packed halls of middle school that my shoes were an Adidas knock off and the "S" was supposed to be the classic three stripes. Since then, you can compare almost every Sketchers shoe with one of another shoe company. However, to me TOMS was never just "another shoe company." They have started a social movement to get shoes to children in developing nations with the one for one campaign and even expanded to sunglasses. TOMS WEBSITE. Sketchers has not only knocked of the style of the shoes, but the philanthropy concept as well. I understand giving shoes to a child in need is for a good cause no matter who you buy them from... but couldn't we have tried to be a little more creative. I mean really, Bobs?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Top 3 Lovies of the week

Meet Jackjack! This is my roommate's Australian Shepard. He is  is so smart and sweet, we play Frisbee everyday for two hours and lay out in the sun.
I am absolutely in love with my accent nail on my pointer finger (which is a bit different from the typical ring finger.) One of the painted nails on my manicure fell off, but not to worry I had extra Sally Hanson Nail Effects from the last playful kit I did.
I am SUPER excited about the Garlic Festival at my local farmers market this weekend! I loove garlic, food, live music, and people watching at festivals. It should be a great time.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.- Russell Baker

As an update on my summer (and self) here are the highlights: I went to California with my 2 best friends. They are the most amazing people in the whole world and I tend to be aggressively passionate about them.

We went to LA pride and if you know me at all I LOVE a good drag queen
I have an extremely handsome man in my life who loves a good boat shoe. I took this picture to show him all of Nordstrom semi-annual sale options.
That's all for now I have to keep you on your toes

It is sad to grow old but nice to ripen.

Starting from this very moment I am inspired. Note: I am a girl who loves phases (ie. Henna tattoos, rock climbing, emo music, attempting to blog) However, as a junior in college all I hear is how people wish they could back in college and live in the moment. So this is my attempt to visually and verbally capture every moment of this adventure. Wish me luck I'll need it.